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Businessman outside using cell phoneFor many years, cellular signal amplifiers had a bad reputation. That’s because early iterations of the devices — which were intended to improve signal where it was weak — often resulted in overloads that would take down entire cell towers, thereby causing bigger problems than those the amplifiers set out to solve.

While improved technology has vastly changed cellular signal amplification for the better, some of those leftover negative perceptions persist. But, information and better regulations are helping to shift that mindset.

Although it’s been 45 years since the first cell phone was invented, cellular technology has only really matured over the past decade or so. Today, 95 percent of the American population owns a cell phone. But, even as the use of cellular and mobile technology continues to reach the far corners of the U.S., and the world, there are still plenty of places that lack strong and reliable signal. Cellular-signal-blocking materials are everywhere, from remote and mountainous outdoor terrain, to office buildings constructed with concrete, steel and energy-efficient windows.

Carrier vs. Consumer Responsibility

Carriers continue to work diligently to provide the strongest and most reliable networks (first 3G, then LTE) to keep up with demands put upon them by consumers that want to do everything — from any location — via their mobile devices. While the responsibility to improve signal traditionally rested on the shoulders of these network providers, that onus has shifted in recent years. It has become an impossibility for providers to keep pace with consumer demand for signal improvements. Instead, consumers look to external solutions.

Cellular signal amplifiers continue to be among the most effective — and cost-effective — external solutions. And we’ve entered a new era with this technology: gone are the days of rogue boosters knocking out cell signal for miles. Today, carrier networks and experienced, knowledgeable cell signal booster technology companies complement one another for the benefit of individual and business consumers looking to improve signal where they need it most.

Today’s cell signal boosters provide a less invasive and more cost-efficient way to improve signal. Traditional boosters, based on “active” distributed antenna systems, require expensive and time-consuming installations of fiber optic networks throughout buildings, which are essentially designed to create signal. But “passive” distributed antenna systems offer an equally effective, yet simpler, solution. Passive DAS technology works with existing cellular signal, using boosters and antennas to amplify strong signal in areas where it is weak.

The approach matters

In addition to more stringent regulations on cell signal amplifiers that were handed down by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2013, a responsible and thorough approach to improving signal is also key to shifting the negative perception of amplifiers. This is where professional expertise is critical. A decade ago, there were countless cell signal booster companies claiming to be experts at solutions integration, when, in reality, very few were. Today, the market has settled down and it’s the experts that remain. These professionals truly understand the industry and how to implement effective and non-disruptive cellular signal amplification solutions.

They know from experience that effectively integrating a cell signal boosting solution requires the proper steps, starting with a thorough site survey. Diligence throughout the process will ultimately result in a well-executed system design that is totally effective and non-disruptive, regardless of network carriers. Professional installation is an absolute must to improve signal.

Whether you’re looking to improve mobile connectivity in your home, small office, or commercial building, WilsonPro provides boosters that are both FCC-compliant and compatible with all mobile networks. Our network of professional integration partners can help you implement an effective solution no matter where signal needs boosting.

If you’d like to learn more, contact WilsonPro today.

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