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Wilson Pro, Pro 1000C Signal Booster

Passive distributed antenna systems have become the go-to solution for amplifying and improving cell signal in spaces of various sizes. No matter where signal needs to be improved, passive DAS cellular signal boosters are an affordable solution for eliminating dropped calls, enhancing voice quality, and maximizing the efficiency of data use.

For more than two decades, WilsonPro has been helping others improve their cellular communications. Our latest release, the Pro 1000C, takes cell signal boosters a step further. The Pro 1000C brings the same performance and reliability of the flagship Pro 1000 amplifier — which entered the market just about two years ago — and adds cloud-monitoring functionality.

Enter the cloud

The Pro 1000C is a cloud-connected version of WilsonPro’s in-building amplifier, and like the Pro 1000, is well-suited for spaces up to 35,000 square feet. The Pro 1000C, which integrates with the WilsonPro Cloud, “checks in” at regular intervals to provide information regarding performance of the amplifier. If there is anything irregular — such as oscillation, an offline amplifier, or a weak signal — the integrator or installer, or building manager, is notified via text message or email notification. If an amplifier were to lose power, the WilsonPro Cloud can identify that it hasn’t checked in within a certain amount of time and and can send an alert that there is a problem.

The cloud service can also alert users to changes in outside signal conditions where outdoor antenna adjustments may be necessary or antennas need to be added. If an end user or IT staffer has gone in and touched the unit at all, the installer or integrator is notified as well because the Pro 1000C will send an alert anytime someone starts pressing buttons on the booster.

The WilsonPro Cloud gives installers and integrators the option to extend a service package to end users as provided by the cloud. Integrators can offer customers the peace of mind that their cell signal boosting solution is working, and they can initiate contact in the case of a service interruption.

How it works

The Pro 1000C’s connection to the WilsonPro Cloud can be established over an end user’s standard Internet connection. However, WilsonPro also offers a pre-established LTE connection so that amplifiers don’t have to be connected to an end user’s equipment at all if they don’t want them to be.  This provides a sense of security because many customers aren’t comfortable connecting external equipment to their network for security reasons. The LTE over-the-air data plan is included with an annual WilsonPro Cloud subscription, at no additional charge.

With the WilsonPro Cloud, a Pro 1000C booster unit can be remotely reset by the integrator/installer. Bands can also be turned on and off, and the installer can pull historical data and information that can be used to perform a number of diagnostics. Therefore, even if a physical trip to the end user’s site is necessary, an integrator will already know exactly what type of service or repair is needed before they arrive at the customer’s location.

Reporting functionality

Integrators and end users can also set up customized amplifier health reports to give them a constant view of the boosting solution, including when, where and why problems are occurring. Of course, not all alerts warrant attention so users can set up a hierarchy of alerts. Integrators can also organize reports by customer within their WilsonPro Cloud account.

WilsonPro Cloud is available via any browser, PC tablet or phone, and the interface scales based on the size of the screen. The Pro 1000C also includes an antenna-tuning tool to help integrators decide how to best set up the antenna, which can greatly reduce install time. An installer could stand on the roof of a building, for example, turn on the phone app and get real-time feedback on where antennas should be pointed.

Who needs this service?

The Pro 1000C is a good solution for a number of locations, including apartment and multi-dwelling units, hospitals, and restaurant and retail businesses. With 77 percent of the population owning a smartphone cell signal downtown is becoming more and more impactful.

In the case of residential spaces, there’s even less tolerance for poor service and downtime as people continue to cut the cord and end their reliance on traditional cable service. To that end, consumers are choosing to work exclusively with their broadband service provider and they expect their connections to be reliable.

From a performance perspective, the Pro 1000C offers the same cost-effective, FCC-approved and carrier-approved passive DAS solution that installers and integrators have come to trust to meet the needs of their clients, plus the added functionality, alerts, and troubleshooting of an enhanced cloud and monitoring solution.

If you’d like to learn more about how the Pro 1000C can help you improve the service you provide to end users, or how you can tailor the WilsonPro Cloud to keep you better informed of all of your cell signal booster install locations, contact WilsonPro today.

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