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It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that no matter where we go, we all expect a good cell signal. And now, it’s not just that poor connectivity is inconvenient; when we use our cell phones for both play and work, poor cell signal doesn’t just potentially cost us time and money –– it’s a necessary safety measure. For those spaces that still experience poor cell signal due to remote location, concrete blockers in the form of large buildings, or environmental blockers, it’s essential to improve cellular signal. As an integrator, that’s where you come in.

The Challenges of Customer Education

Professional Cell Booster Integrator shaking hands with building ownerAt WilsonPro, we want to be a resource to integrators, providing a space for the integration community to share insight, successes, and common industry challenges. One of the most challenging aspects of life as an integrator is perfecting the balancing act between finding the appropriate solution to meet customer needs while educating them about why that particular solution might be what’s best. Unfortunately, this learning curve is often a steep, uphill battle paved with misunderstandings. Customers often don’t grasp the full scope of an integrator’s work and may even be skeptical of industry methods or processes.

Of these miscommunications, we often hear feedback from integrators about the specific challenges of gaining roof access prior to a site survey or an installation. Customers are often taken aback when integrators tell them that they need to ensure roof access. Sometimes, this ask is rebuffed, and because many businesses simply rent the space they’re using, integrators likely need to speak with the building owner directly. Without this information in advance, even the consultation can become a headache.

So, as an integrator, how can you address the challenges of roof access for your customers? And to that we say: education is essential. Here are some talking points you can reference to show your customers how crucial roof access will be to the success of the installation –– and ultimately, their business.

Gaining Roof Access

So you’ve told your customer you’ll need access to their roof even to complete a consultation, and they responded by scratching their heads and saying, “what does my roof have to do with getting signal inside the building?” First things first: explain how a site survey will be integral to finding the solution that’s best suited to them specifically.

The Importance of a Site Survey

A thorough site survey is an essential first step to a successful cellular booster installation. Roof access during the site survey provides insight to integrators that help them explore and determine what the best solution is to meet their customers’ needs. Without it, getting an accurate read of the outdoor signal using a signal reader is impossible –– and while the uninformed might argue that you can get a signal read through your cell phone without a site survey, the experts know that this isn’t nearly as accurate or as effective.

Roof access during the site survey gives integrators a chance to confirm an accurate floor plan –– another thing that might require correspondence with the building owner to acquire. The floor plan is a crucial tool when making a final design plan for installation. In addition, the site survey provides an opportunity for the integrator to note structural concerns or identify physical obstacles that could potentially impede a successful installation. In plain terms, skipping this step just doesn’t make sense.

Communicating With the Customer

Ultimately, communicating early and often will help iron out some of the kinks of integrator/customer relationships. Before the initial consultation, you should:

  • Communicate with your customer about needing access to the roof as soon as possible. Let them know you’ll need access on the date of the site survey and throughout the installation process.
  • Explain how roof access is key to the success of the site survey, and how the site survey is essential to improving cellular signal for their business.
  • Offer to reach out to the building owner directly. It will take pressure off of the business owner to acquire roof access by the deadline and it might give you an opportunity to ask the building owner about floor plans and any other relevant documents.

We realize that the challenges that come with being an integrator often stem from a lack of customer education. When customers first seek out cellular signal boosters, they likely know very little about the industry and the practice. All they know is that they need better cellular signal to keep their business running smoothly. When working with customers to address roof access, level the playing field. Make sure they know that improving their existing cellular signal is your top priority, and that access is simply a necessary step in the course of a well-oiled process. By offering to speak with the building owner directly, you’ll show your customers that you’re there to be ally to them through the integration process, and in their mission to boost their business.

Contact WilsonPro today to learn more about our suite of carrier agnostic boosters and how we help businesses connect to their customers with better cellular signal.

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