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How to Improve Cellular Signal in Metal and Concrete Buildings

When it comes to building materials, metal and concrete definitely have their advantages.

Metal buildings require less repair and maintenance than comparable construction materials like wood or brick. Metal is also durable and capable of withstanding the elements—adding to its overall longevity, structural integrity, and inherent appeal.

Likewise, concrete is resistant to the effects of water, wind, and fire. Because of its ability to retain heat, concrete also offers the advantage of energy efficiency, which reduces heating and cooling costs. Coincidentally, metal and concrete also share the same distinct disadvantage—they adversely affect the transmission of cellular signal.

Walls made of steel or aluminum are notorious for blocking cellular signal. Even if a strong cell signal exists outside, you may have little or no cell coverage indoors, regardless of the network carrier you use. Additionally, the industrial-strength concrete found in most modern buildings not only blocks cellular signal but absorbs and reflects many of the radio frequency (RF) waves trying to get inside.

If you own, manage, or operate a commercial building, then you may be wondering how you can overcome common signal-blocking materials. Here are three ways to enhance cellular coverage inside metal and concrete buildings:

1. Minimize Interference

One of the ways to enhance cell signal inside a metal or concrete building is to reduce potential electromagnetic interference in the areas where you’re experiencing weak indoor cell signal coverage.

To minimize electromagnetic interference inside your metal or concrete building, make an effort to keep WiFi routers and other wireless devices away from the areas where cellular devices are frequently used.

2. Perform a Site Survey

The quality and reliability of an in-building cell signal depends on the strength of an outdoor cell signal. Perform a site survey to determine if you receive cell signal outside your building. A cell signal meter is the most accurate way to locate nearby cell towers and test cellular signal outside your building. Aside from professional site surveys, you can use a mobile app to scan for nearby towers.

The following apps and websites are available to help you check cell signal strength and find nearby cell towers:

  • OpenSignal, an app for both iPhones and Androids, doesn’t provide specific cell tower locations, but you can view signal maps to compare the performance of networks in your area and test the speed of your mobile or Wi-Fi connection.
  • CellMapper provides up-to-date information to find cell towers near you and shows cell site locations for all major carriers. CellMapper also offers a free Android app that pinpoints the locations of nearby towers.
  • AntennaSearch shows all cell towers within a two-mile radius via Google Maps. It also serves as a cell reception website, so you can find out if your carrier has good or poor coverage in your area.
  • CellReception also displays nearby cell towers via Google Maps. With filtering capabilities, you can perform a carrier search and view only Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile cell tower locations.

These tools will help you track the quality of cell signal reception in your area and determine how it might affect your in-building coverage.

If you’ve taken steps to minimize electromagnetic interference and tested to ensure that you can receive a signal outside the building, read on to find out the best way to enhance cell signal inside a metal building.

3. Install a Cell Signal Repeater System

One of the most effective ways to improve cell signal in metal buildings is to install a cell signal repeater system, like those offered by WilsonPro. Our industry-leading cellular repeaters support the needs of all businesses in all industries. In fact, our customized solutions have been successfully deployed in a variety of venues.

Read some of our success stories to learn more:

  • Danone North America, a leading food and beverage company, chose a WilsonPro cellular repeater system to dramatically improve cell signal in its 67,000-square foot facility. After a two-day installation period, employees were pleased with faster video streaming and enhanced cell phone reception throughout the building.
  • Facebook employees were frustrated with the weak and nonexistent cell signal in their metal-roofed warehouse in New Albany, Ohio. Illuminati Labs, a WilsonPro premier certified installer, designed a cellular connectivity solution to end the employee ritual of always having to leave the building to make calls and send texts on their cell phones.
  • CHOC Children’s Hospital doctors and administrators were frustrated with poor cellular signal in specific areas throughout their facility. After the hospital installed a WilsonPro customized cellular repeater solution, the staff and patients noticed a notable difference in cellular connectivity, which has contributed to better healthcare delivery.

WilsonPro enterprise repeaters enhance cell signal throughout large commercial buildings. Our solutions support multiple users and devices – including hotspots and cellular routers, which can also help improve your data speeds and call quality.

Most importantly, WilsonPro offers a full array of cellular repeaters that enhance existing and upcoming 5G networks. Our solutions provide you with the enhanced signal you need for your operations today and in the decades to come.

Why WilsonPro Is Right for Your Business

WilsonPro is a trusted leader in cell signal repeater technology and an expert on how to boost cell signal in metal buildings, as well as structures built with steel, aluminum, concrete, and other construction materials.

Why do so many businesses choose WilsonPro?

  • Experience. We understand the needs of businesses in all industries. Our custom-designed solutions have been installed in office complexes, colleges and universities, hospitals and healthcare facilities, warehouses, retail stores, and more.
  • Quality. WilsonPro technology is FCC-approved and carrier-agnostic, which means our products are compatible with all major U.S. carriers and mobile networks – including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and more.
  • Innovation. We are the innovator and sole provider of Multi-Tower Targeting Technology, making it possible to produce stronger cell signal amplification per carrier, with a single repeater.

The benefits of enhanced cell signal in your building can be enjoyed by employees, customers, and visitors alike. From an initial site survey and expert design assistance to the fast and highly cost-effective installation services offered by our nationwide installer network, WilsonPro is the ideal professional-grade solution to help your business overcome the challenges of getting strong, reliable cell signal inside a metal or concrete building.

If you would like to learn more about how WilsonPro solutions can improve cellular connectivity for your business, contact us today.

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