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If you haven’t been the victim of data loss, you could be. Whether it’s something as simple as a lost SD card to a corrupted document on your computer, or something as big as a natural disaster taking out your servers, data can be hard to keep hold of. Considering how many safeguards there are out there–cloud services, autosaves, regular database backups–something could go wrong, and you’ll wish that you had just done that one extra thing: made a copy, clicked ‘save’ one extra time, or checked to make sure that your servers had their routine maintenance.

What your company needs is a strong data cellular internet backup plan. It can’t solve any problem–there will always be the employee who spills coffee all over their laptop–but it can give you peace of mind that your data is being protected at a much higher, more reliable level than ever before.

cellular backup internet connection

Risks of Data Loss

So what are the risks of data loss? You can’t get online without seeing warnings about malware and hackers. Ransomware–a malicious software that steals your data and then blackmails you into paying money to get it back–is one of the newer ones. One stray click, one opened attachment in an email or a social media message and BAM–your company is under attack.

Cyberattacks, Viruses and Ransomware

Cyberattacks are everywhere, with literal armies of hackers on the dark web looking to steal any data they can get from your clients’ data to your HR data to anything they can steal and hold hostage. There are anti-virus companies and anti-malware programs, but you can bet that the hackers are working just as fast to outthink the white hats. And the odds are, simply, that it’s not a question of if you’ll be struck by a cyberattack, but when. You may be a large corporation or a small business with one location–it doesn’t matter to them. If they can squeeze you for a thousand dollars or a million dollars, they’ll take what they can get.

Natural Disasters

Cyberattacks are scary enough on their own, but when you add into the mix that your business is only as solid as the building it sits in, things can get scary. Flooding is a disaster for electronics, and fire will fry anything that’s not kept in the most secure fire safes. But there’s also power outages that stop your routine backups; there’s hurricanes that keep you trapped at home and unable to maintain your servers–how can you manually change the tapes if you can’t leave your home! And then there are the unexpected events–the windstorms that send power surges through the building, the one-in-a-million car accident that drives through your front window, and, in today’s climate–looters.

Here are some statistics:

  • 94% of companies that suffer catastrophic data loss never recover. 43% never reopen and 51% close within two years. (According to a study at the University of Texas)
  • 30% of businesses that have a fire will go out of business immediately, and 70% will be gone in five years. (According to Home Office Computing Magazine)
  • 77% of companies who test their backup tap find backup failures–these are the people who are being proactive and trying to do it right! (According to Boston Computing Network Data Loss Statistics)
  • For small businesses, 7 out of 10 who experience major data loss go out of business in a year (According to PWC)
  • 96% of all workstations are not being backed up routinely (According to Contingency Planning and Strategic Research Corporation)
  • 50% of backup tapes fail to restore (According to Gartner)
  • 25% of all PC users lose data every year (According to Gartner)

Scary, isn’t it? It makes you want to do something about your data. Well, we can’t stop natural disasters and meteors crashing into your server room, but we can provide a service that can take away the worry.

We’ll give you a hint: the solution is cellular backed up internet connection.

Protecting Your Data

For a long time there was a mantra that you always made a backup of your backup–three copies so that you’d be prepared for anything. But anyone who’s ever carried a flashdrive in their pocket knows that they’re the easiest thing to lose. Anyone who’s ever run an SD card through the washing machine knows you don’t get that data back after the soak and rinse.

The second practice is to store your information in two different formats: make a copy for the cloud and a copy on tape. But we all know from the stats above that restoring from tapes isn’t reliable, and the cloud can be hacked or more embarrassingly–passwords simply forgot.

Finally, the last resort is to keep a backup of your data offsite. This is a pretty good fix, until you realize that those floods may not be localized to your office, but also to your warehouse.

None of these ideas are bad, per se. All of them are far better than doing nothing at all. Be more careful online, be more careful with passwords, have a process in place for where backups are stored, and keep things in safes that are waterproof and fireproof. You can do all of that, right?

What if we told you there was an easier way?

Protecting Data with Cellular Internet Backups

We all have heard that the safest way to back something up is to store it on the cloud. But the internet is notoriously spotty, no matter which carrier you have. You do so much online, from your office computer to your credit card machines to your automated inventory software and essential financial and personal information. We’re in the information age–everything is online, from HR and finance to sales and even maintenance.

Internet outages cost your business dollars, for every second it is down, that is one fewer sale, one unsatisfied customer, one wasted minute of employee time. And the internet goes down when everyone is using it, which means it’s always bound to go down at the worst times–the peak times.

What if instead of relying solely on an internet service provider, you also were transmitting all of your data over your cellular signal to a remote server that can maintain and process the information? It keeps it offsite, it keeps it off the internet, and it keeps running even when the WiFi goes down.

WilsonPro cell phone signal amplifiers (in specific the IoT 5-Band) can boost the effectiveness of a hotspot so you have a stronger, more reliable cell signal so your hotspot functions better, which makes the internet work better for your business. The IoT 5-Band can be connected between the external antenna and the cradlepoint/LTE hotspot to strengthen the signal.

Businesses, like Starbucks, for example, need an “LTE failover” to keep employees and customers connected in case the internet goes out for some reason.

WilsonPro can help ensure your data is secure and there is a cellular backup internet connection in case an unforeseen circumstance arises. Maintaining a secure, reliable internet connection is vital for your business.

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